HFOSS - Curriculum Project Ideas

This is a brief list of possible ideas for the HFOSS Curriculum project, where the students team up and attempt to create and educational game for students grade 4 and under using an XO laptop.

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XO Laptop Smoke Test

So for my HFOSS course, we were given XO laptops. I’m not sure why yet, but it sure is cool.

The first assignment is to perform a smoke test to check all the features for bugs or breaks. After going through what I could, all the hardware seems functional. Without another XO to communicate with some tests are impossible, but I have no reason to believe its broken. Can’t wait to see what we do with this thing. I don’t have a laptop myself since the Macbook Air my uncle gave has made a full conversion into nothing more than an aluminum frisbee, so I can probably find some uses for it myself.

Physical Computing: Project1 Writeup

Experience taxonomy writeup here

Premise: Using an arduino, build a simple interactive machine that utilizes a minimum of three sensors. My project idea was to create a character with two RGB LEDs for eyes. The sensors I used were a ultrasonic rangefinder, accelerometer, a bluetooth radio, and a potentiometer (just to dim the LEDs).

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First Bugfix!

I have just gotten done sending in my first patch to an open-source project and man am I relieved. Looking at this goal a week ago I thought it would be fun, but the more I thought about it and the more I tried to do this the more daunting the task became. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but the full weight of the task didn’t hit me until I realized that even once I found a project (one I understood in a language I knew), I would have to build a programmer’s map in my head detailed enough to find a file causing a given bug and any associated files that might be affected by changes. And that had me terrified. Debugging code can already be a challenge, but picking up someone else’s project, especially a project that could have been accumulating code for years, would require learning everything that the project does as you search for where a problem could be. It was not something I thought could be well done in a week.

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