PhysComp: Project1 Experience Taxonomy
category: blog
This is a writeup for my Physical Media Project 1 describing the taxonomies of the experience I intended to create. Since it was such a small project, this writeup will be equally small as there were not a lot of intended emotions beyond curiosity.
Slight curiosity. They would see two white LEDs and a few components.
Interest, puzzlement. Coming close would prompt the device to change its colors to green. As the user experiments, they’d find that waving a hand changes the color to yellow and touching it would turn it red irreversibly. Leaving and coming back only makes it change to white as they are at a distance. It’s not until I explain that they have made the device upset and must apologize through the use my phone’s bluetooth connection does the device turn green and yellow again.
Satisfaction of the slight curiosity. It is a small device with small features to be discovered.