Blog Migration

So I’ve decided to jump ship from Wordpress to Github Pages as a blog after discovering Jekyll… and losing access to my old blog. This particular blog is a derivative if Barry Clark’s Jekyll Now repository, which allowed me to set up the most basic things with ease.

At first glance Jekyll seemed rather intense, but after only a couple hours I’m understanding a majority of it. I haven’t found all the details yet, like where certain things are defined or organized, but I haven’t done enough digging to say that information is unavailable. Either way Jekyll looks like it will be a fun thing to experiment with.

If all goes well you should see prior posts moved over retroactively, so the posts will keep their respective post-dates. I’d like to get some features that Wordpress provided (tags and comments namely) implemented too, but after my very brief reading it sounds like Github Pages don’t allow certain features of Jekyll which would enable the features I would like. If that’s true (again, I may be wrong as it’s only been a couple hours) I’ll end up doing the Jekyll compiling/building/whateveritscalled locally and push the generated pages to Github instead.

Written on March 30, 2015